Interview with Peeta!

On April 17th, 2021 AnimalBot99 got to chat with Peeta!
Hope you enjoy this interview!

Animal: Hello, Peeta! Glad to finally be here talking with you, why don’t we start with what you do on Roblox?

Peeta: Hi glad to be here! I do a lot of cool things, mainly though I help create the storylines for all sorts of games. I’m currently involved in a game called Dawn Eternal, but other than that I am just a player lol.

Animal: I remember mentioning this once before because it caught my attention when seeing your avatar, how did you get the Roblox admin item?

Peeta: There is a weird story to that actually and it kinda goes back to 2016. So during EggHunt 2016 I never got the eggmin, and for years I have tried to get an admin to at least get me the badge. Well over the course of my work I have met people, and somehow I met the creator of EggHunt 2016 and he could not give me the item as the launcher was broken. Now on that same night an admin joined me and his game, as well as video star creators, and QA testers for some reason and I met an admin who gave me it like two days later!

Animal; Well that is a pretty impressive story you got there, I think if I recall correctly you had the Egg Launcher in the 2018 egg hunt I want to say?

Peeta: I had 2019, but again it goes back to 2016 I basically made myself get every egg after that year and in 2019 I decided I enjoyed being on the receiving end of the eggmin launcher so much that maybe I should buy one and I did. I really enjoyed it and I met tons of cool people because of it, and now I have just recently bought the MVP launcher for Metaverse Champions!

Animal: While we are on the topic of egg hunts, what did you think of this year’s egg hunt? I was on the server for like 5 minutes but kept crashing so I can’t really speak too much on it personally.

Peeta: Well, obviously I was disappointed to hear the event was replaced but I tried to remain optimistic and I think that this event is actually pretty fun. It involves 180 games and each game is so different it allows for some really cool missions and gameplay! I hope they continue this next year if EggHunts are officially done for good, great concept and it gives small devs a chance to take that next step!

Animal: Worth noting I had the Bloxy’s confused with Egg Hunt, I thought it was strange with how it was. I am so used to there being an egg hunt every year, rather sad now finding I was not mistaken for it. So, what did you think of The Bloxy Awards?

Peeta: This year's bloxys were actually really fun! One of my friends was nominated for an award, and it made the event have more gravity in a way. I think that the idea that this bloxys as well as Ready Player Two set up this “Roblox Metaverse” in a way that Builderman’s vision of a connected gamerverse can happen and also make some really cool events like Metaverse Champions.

Animal: Compared to when universes were first pushed out to the public I think we knew they envisioned quite a lot with them and I think this year they are finally pushing it to the limits of what they had in mind with it.

Peeta: Totally agree with that!

Animal: While we are on the topic of Roblox updates to their gaming environments, what would you personally say is your favorite? Whether it be because you use it a lot or it just makes Roblox games more enjoyable.

Peeta: Great question! Honestly, I do not have one feature I prefer over others, however, I really like that with all these cool new features we get there is always a long list of cool games that take advantage of these and make Roblox feel like it is evolving constantly. I also think that whenever we get these new features devs need to keep pushing them to the limits, because it basically forces Roblox to keep adding new things and it evolves the platform. I did not ever think Roblox would be what it is today when I first started playing about 10 years ago.

Animal: I could agree with that last statement, I have been playing since 2011 and so much has changed over the years. Any specific Roblox features you use for your game development when it comes to storylines?

Peeta: Most of my work is pen and paper, I am the guy with the notebook full of ideas but who doesn’t quite have the capabilities to produce them yet. I have recently met so many talented devs that are willing to trust me and turn my dreams into a reality, it is honestly insane and humbling.

Animal: I need to mention this only because I’ve met you through this area of “development”, how is the music composition side of things going?

Peeta: I was waiting for this one lol! It is going great. My passion is in storytelling, and I try to write around and through the music in a way that the story and the music tell the same thing. I think music is one of the most important aspects of storytelling whether it be, tv shows, games, movies etc… I try to do as much justice to the music as I do to the story because if the game has a good story but the music falls flat the story has a higher chance of not working and I do not want anything to be a “distraction” to the story. The music has to always be a method of telling my stories rather than a sideshow.

Animal: I agree with all of that 100%. Music is as important as the story, if those two don’t go well together you will not have a successful end goal.

Peeta: Exactly, and I think , at least in the Roblox community, that became very clear because of one game in particular and it’s OST. EggHunt 2018 had a great game, but an excellent soundtrack. BSlick has made many great soundtracks but I think his greatest ever was EggHunt 2018, that event is regarded highly among members of the community and even those who do not care so much for the music side of a game will tell you it’s music was a vital part of its success.

Animal: For sure, BSlick is definitely a force to be reckoned with. His compositions are just perfect. Do you find yourself going to any one source when you feel low on creativity?

Peeta: Actually I do, and it may seem like an interesting one when it comes to Roblox games. I actually turn to the Marvel films, and shows. I personally think they are able to tell so many deep stories that I can use to learn how I want to tell an idea even if all I know is “ The game is gonna be about magic!” or “I want to have it in space.” I tend to look at how they take each story no matter how bizarre and ground it, and on the other side of the coin the music is always phenomenal I tend to listen to it a lot, and I am currently listening to the soundtrack of Captain America the First Avenger as we type lol.

Animal: Always good to have a source for inspiration! And now, seeing we passed the 1,200 word count, how about some rapid questions? Favorite hat on Roblox would be….

Peeta: Easily Dominus Venari, love the hat and the film/book series it is based on.

Animal: Worth mentioning you do own a Dominus, just not the one you said was your favorite (that must hurt). Favorite Roblox game?

Peeta: Well unfortunately that dominus is 1 of 1 and my good buddy r0cu won the ready player one event so he will forever be the only owner. Anyways, currently I find myself playing a bunch of random games for fun and I do not have a favorite right now, but my favorite ever that I do not play anymore is actually Super Bomb Survival. I used to play that game all the time! 

Animal: I used to love that game, I bought so many item upgrades on it. Sheesh, walk through memory lane… Favorite song right now is___

Peeta: “What are you?” by Alan Silvestri from the Ready Player One soundtrack hands down.

Animal: Favorite farm animal?

Peeta: A cow, I guess never really thought about that… but that is a great question!

Animal: (he is dying on the inside) Favorite color?

Peeta: First of all I am not lol, I like questions that hit you out of nowhere, and my favorite color is Purple.

Animal: don8 pl0x i is onlz 500 mill0n rebux away frm domino crwn

Peeta: Link the donation item lol

Animal: Gee, no one offered up Robux like that before. 

Peeta: First for everything, 

Animal: True, true. Will you friend me on the Roblox?

Peeta: Done

Animal: Any last things you want to say for anyone else who has the same goals as you?

Peeta: Yes! No matter how you want to achieve your goal, do it. There is always another path. Do not let one door closing stop you from finding another way in! If I did I would have quit Roblox and the entertainment world like 5 years ago. Persevere at anything you desire because no matter how many times you hear this, it is true, you can find a way to achieve what you desire!

Animal: I think it is worth noting that when it comes to the arts it is usually the most overlooked and under appreciated. I really commend anyone who really sticks with it long enough to find their own voice amongst many others. I am speaking personally on going to college for a music degree, it is really tough for something that is overlooked so much. So I really do commend all those in the field of arts, graphic designs, etc. Any last words before we send off?

Peeta:  If you want to keep up with me and my work I will be posting updates on my twitter @PeetaRBX and if you read this and it helped you at all please reach out to me there I would love to talk with you, and if you ever have questions involving my field of work always reach out to me :)

Animal: Thank you Peeta for your time, it was an amazing opportunity to speak with you. Glad to be in contact with ya, thanks again and take care!

Peeta: You too Animal, always love chatting with you!


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